One Design Standard Makes Blended the Easiest Way to Code a Website

By merging diverse platforms into one design standard, Blended is bringing designers together like never before.

Blended's robust template language is a combination and unification of the Jinja, Twig and Django template languages. This singular expressive coding technique has been built to be written once, then used seamlessly across multiple publishing platforms, including WordPress, ExpressJs, Django, Flask and Spring

All-in-all, Blended is the perfect tool for creating, collaboration and sharing web designs with both your clients and other designers.


An Expressive Nature With Unmatched Flexibility

Besides its platform compatibility and the fact that it's simply awesome to deal with, Blended's expressive nature allows designers to execute and perform some really cool stuff.

A Growing Library of Themes and Layouts For Designers to Use and Reuse

Blended Documentation: Designed with Designers in Mind

At Blended, we want to make every designer's understanding and execution of our program as seamless as possible. That's why we've created extensive documentation and tutorials to assist you every step of the way.

Cloning and Customizing a Theme

In just two clicks you can make an exact copy of any Blended Theme right in your Blended...

Introduction to Color Palettes

Blended is the only theming system that allows you to group a selection of colors....

Introduction to Style Sets (Typography)

Wouldn't it be easier to change the font sizes, families and padding of your website's...

Theme Deployment 101

Once your theme is customized and ready go live, Blended makes it easy to deploy by...
