Any Business. Any Size.

The 21st century's solution for simplifying your business’ digital processes has arrived - giving you more freedom and greater control than ever before.

Blended is For Agencies

Blended's cross-platform compatibility means only hiring design teams for a specific platform will never be an issue again.

Bring the best WordPress designers into your team and pair them with your Django, Flask, ExpressJs, and Spring developers, while they each work together on the same project using their own preferred platform. Then, simply push those results to the Blended Hub when you're ready to deploy!


Blended is For Corporations

What if the work of dozens, even hundreds of designers and developers could be consolidated into one technology? Blended makes it so that each web project can be shared, stored, updated and deployed from one department to another with a single click.

Every web design and user interfacing aspect of your business will be in one location for all your employees to access - each with their own accounts and permissions, as defined by you!


Blended is For Small Business

Finding the right designers and developers to take hold of your web design projects isn't easy. Especially when platform preference is a consideration. With Blended, designers have the freedom to use whichever publishing platform they feel most comfortable in, so the hiring process is immediately made less stressful.

Plus, the Blended Designer, our browser based theme editor, gives anyone the ability to customize and edit their site in a matter of minutes. Change colors, fonts, logos, layouts, social info and more without having to know a single line of code .


A Single Technology Focus to Streamline Your Business Digital Processes

Consolidate your software. Define your procedure. Improve your workflow.

Standardize Your Toolchain

If you company is putting together a design team with the intention of using WordPress, Drupal, or your own proprietary software, you will have to hire individuals that can work with these diverse technologies. Having Blended as your standardized toolchain allows your design team to push designs to any of the supported platforms without every having to retool or retrain.

Strengthen Your Brand Flexibility

If you're are a company that periodically reinvents the brand of your site, Blended is the difference between having to recode and rebrand web pages over multiple platforms. As long as you're using Blended you can easily push out and deploy your changes without any design or syncing issues.

Unified Web Design Platform

If you’re building your own custom software, Blended provides a way to easily interface between your Design Team and Programming Staff, offering a complete set of rules to assemble and build your web design for use in any supported platform, regardless of data.

Platform Interfacing

Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

Helping Businesses Like Yours

Find out why businesses love working with Blended.